Stoneham Recreation Department
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Field & Facility Permit and Policies

Town of Stoneham
Stoneham Recreation Department
Field & Facility Permit and Policies 

Field & Facility Permit Policies 

Contact Information
If you have any questions, contact the Stoneham Recreation Department at 781-279-2609.
Stoneham Recreation Department  
Brian Blumsack-Recreation Director
Other Contact Information
Board of Health Anthony Chui 781-279-2621
Department of Public Works Brett Gonsalves 781-438-0760
Police Department James O'Connor 781-438-1215
Fire Department Matthew Grafton 781-438-0127
Stoneham Arena Ice Rink 101 Montvale Ave,
Stoneham, Massachusetts 02180
Stoneham Oaks Golf Course 101R Montvale Ave,
Stoneham, MA 02180
Unicorn Golf Course 460 William St,
Stoneham, MA 02180
League Websites
Basketball, Youth
Football & Cheer, Youth
Hockey, Youth
Little League
Lacrosse, Youth
Soccer, Youth
Softball, Youth
Please be advised that all the above information is subject to change.

Stoneham Recreation Department

Mission Statement
The mission of the Stoneham Recreation department is to provide the Stoneham community with a variety of recreational activities throughout the calendar year. Providing programs for the youth, adults and seniors of the community is the main drive of the Stoneham Recreation Department. As a department, we strive to offer a vast offering both educational and entertaining recreational programs. The need for continuous growth and expansion of programs will complement the continued growth and recreational expectations of the Stoneham Community.

Organization, Group or League Permit
Two or more individuals regularly meeting at a field or facility shall constitute organized use of a field or facility and is required to obtain a permit from the Stoneham Recreation Department. Permit fees will be charged pursuant to our Fee Structure (fee structure is subject to change at any time).
Single Use Permit
A private citizen or organization requesting exclusive use for a one-time one-day event only.
Casual Use
Stoneham parks, fields, and facilities are public property and may not necessarily require a permit for use, however, use authorized by a permit will always take precedence over casual use of town owned parks, fields, and facilities.
Town Common Use
For use of the Town Common, please contact the Town Administrator, 781-279-2600.

Stoneham Recreation Department
Permit Priority Tiers
Tier 1 Priority Use:
  • Stoneham Public Schools Use:
    • High School sanctioned athletic teams (soccer, field hockey, football/cheer, volleyball, cross country, basketball, hockey, gymnastics, track and field, tennis, softball, baseball, lacrosse) games and practices
Tier 2 Priority Use:
  • Stoneham Youth Sports Organizations
    • Little League, Youth Basketball, Youth Football/Cheer, Youth Hockey, Youth Lacrosse, Youth Soccer, Youth Softball
  • Stoneham Recreation Sponsored Programs and Events
Tier 3 Priority Use:
  • Stoneham Adult Leagues
    • Teams with 60% or more participants who fit residency definition.
Tier 4 Priority Use:
  • Stoneham Tournament Leagues
    • Teams with 60% or more participants who fit residency definition.
Tier 5 Priority Use:
  • External Adult or Tournament Leagues
    • Teams with less than 60% participants who fit residency definition.
Tier 6 Priority Use:
  • Stoneham organizations, businesses, groups, teams and single use permits
  • Non-resident organizations, businesses, groups, teams and single use permits
Note: If two requests are placed at the same time for a permit, priority will be given to the Stoneham applicants. Verification of residency may be requested to ensure fair priority issuance.
When two or more permit holders are applying for the same park, field or facility, priority will be given to the traditional sport in season.
  • Fall: Football, Soccer, Field Hockey, Cheering
  • Winter: Basketball, Hockey
  • Spring: Soccer, Softball, Baseball, Lacrosse, Tennis
  • Summer: Baseball, Softball, Soccer
Any group, organization, league or individual using parks, fields or facilities without an authorized permit risk disciplinary action by the Recreation Department and may lose the privilege of future use. Permits are not guaranteed from season to season.

Stoneham Recreation Department
Permitting Procedure
  1. Complete Application for Permit to Occupy Recreation Area and Special Event Application Form (for special events).
    1. Permits are available on the Stoneham Recreation Department website under Field Information and in Appendix A (Permit to Occupy Recreation Area) and Appendix B (Special Event Application Form) as well as in the Stoneham Recreation Department Office located at 35 Central Street, Stoneham, MA 02180.
  2. Time Requirements
  3. Parties must have approval from Recreation Department before utilizing any recreation area. Approval is subject to submittal of all Required Documentation (see below).
Required Documentation for Permit
For Leagues and Organizations Seeking Repeated Use Permits
  1. Complete Application for Permit to Occupy Recreation Area.
  2. Practice and game schedule for the season requiring field time.
  3. Payment 14 days in advance of event.
  4. Certificate of Insurance naming the Town of Stoneham as the Certificate Holder.
For Single Use Permits
  1. Complete Application for Permit to Occupy Recreation Area (for Type of Activity select
Other: Special Event) and Special Event Application Form including Event Details page.
  1. Any additional permits necessary for events.
  2. Payment 14 days in advance of event.
  3. Certificate of Insurance naming the Town of Stoneham as the Certificate Holder.

Stoneham Recreation Department
Recreation Facility Use – Fee Schedule
Recreation Park FB/Soccer Field Rental $150 per season
Recreation Park Large Baseball Field Rental $150 per season
Recreation Park Small Baseball Field Rental $150 per season
Recreation Park Field House Storage Usage Fee $100 per year
Recreation Park Bathroom Facility Usage Fee $100 per season
Recreation Park Concession Stand Usage Fee (Exclusive Use/Bathroom Included) $150 per month of use
Upper Pomeworth Field Rental $150 per season/per field
Lower Pomeworth Field Rental $150 per season
Pomeworth Basketball Court Rental $150 per season
Cerrone Park Field Rental (Outside Rental) $150 per field/per session
AP Rounds Baseball Field Rental $150 per season
Field/Park Rental for Special Event  $150.00 per event
Playground/Birthday Party Event $50.00 per event

Stoneham Recreation Department
Condition, Terms & Limitations of Permit
All permits issued by Stoneham Recreation Department are also subject to conditions, terms and limitations as defined by federal and state laws, league or group bylaws, league divisions, and town ordinances.
No activity may occur between the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., unless otherwise authorized by the Recreation Department and Town Administrator.
Use of parking adjacent to the fields or other municipal parking for non-parking purposes must be authorized by the Town Administrator, or designee.
  • Lining of the fields is the responsibility of the each league. The Recreation Department should approve lining layout prior to the application of lines.
  • The permit applicant, organization, league or group is responsible to make sure that all trash is properly disposed into trash or recycling receptacles. If after an event, activity or game it is found that additional clean-up is necessary, the applicant will be charged.
  • Any work done by third party vendors or contractors on Town land must be approved by the own before work is to commence. All parties must fill a Certificate of Insurance with the town before performing any work or exciting any contracts.
  • Do not apply any chemical, fertilizer, herbicide or pesticide to parks or fields. The permit applicant, organization, league or group is not allowed to perform any maintenance or upkeep on any fields/grounds/facilities without prior specific approval from the Recreation Department.
  • Any maintenance issues on Town property should be reported to the Recreation Department as soon as possible for review and assessment.
  • The permit applicant should have an original copy of the permit on their designated person at the event(s) and be able to produce permit at any requested time by the Stoneham Recreation Department, Police or DPW Departments. The designated contact person or secondary person should make all communications to the Stoneham Recreation Department.
  • Permit applicant is responsible for informing all of the League Board members, general members, assistants, volunteers, parents/guardians and participants of ALL rules, regulations, conditions, terms and limitations regarding use and conduct on the fields/facilities as defined in this handbook.
  • If estimated attendance exceeds 200 persons, a copy of this application must be submitted to the Stoneham Fire and Police Chiefs for their review. Applicant is responsible for the implementation of all recommendations from these departments’ reviews.
(a) Alcoholic Beverages-Prohibited. No alcoholic beverage shall be consumed.
(b) Amusement Rides (Mechanical)-Prohibited. No mechanical amusement rides are allowed.
(c) Animals-Restrictions. No animals, other than dogs, cats and other household pets, shall be allowed, without the approval of the Town Administrator, or designee.
(d) Audio Devices-Restricted. No person shall create or allow the emission of any amplified sound, except from a radio, recorder or other device possessed and used by an individual for his/her own enjoyment and operated in such a manner so as not to interfere with the use and enjoyment of the Town land by another person, unless authorized by the Town Administrator, or designee.
(e) Camping-Prohibited. No overnight camping or sleeping is allowed.
(f) Damaging Town Land-Prohibited. No person shall remove, break, deface or defile Town land or any part thereof.
(g) Electrical or Electronic Device(s) Requiring Outdoor Auxiliary Equipment. No person shall use any electrical or electronic device or equipment requiring outdoor auxiliary power without the approval of the Town Administrator, or designee.
(h) Fireworks-Prohibited. No person shall use or discharge fireworks.
(i) Litter, Trash, etc. All litter, cans, refuse, bottles, and trash shall be removed by the user(s), unless placed in a trash receptacle provided or authorized by the Town.
(j) Motor Vehicles-Restricted. No motor vehicle shall be allowed on Town land, except Town vehicles and those vehicles authorized by the Town Administrator, or designee.
(k) Open Fires-Prohibited. No open fires or flames, including cooking on an open grill, is allowed.
(l) Solicitation and Sale of Goods or Services-Restricted. No solicitation or sale of goods or services is allowed, except for an event by or for a non-profit group with written permission of the Town Administrator, or designee. 
(m) Structures and Buildings-Restricted. No person shall station or erect any building, tent, canopy, stand, bandstand, stage, tower, scaffold, sound stage, platform, rostrum, or other structure on the Town land without the approval of the Town Administrator, or designee.
(n) Trees, Shrubs, and Flower: Planting and removal, etc.-Restricted. No person, other than a Town employee or contractor, shall plant, remove, cut, deface or otherwise damage any tree, shrub or flower, unless authorized by the Town Administrator, or designee.
  • Application/Approval for Single Use- i.e. Special Events.
(1) No organized group may use the Town land without submitting a written application on a form provided by the Town to the Town Administrator or his/her designee and receiving approval by the Town Administrator, or designee
(2) Applications may not be submitted by a minor.
(3) Applications may be made up to one (1) year in advance.
(4) Applications shall be processed in order of receipt and shall be allocated in order of receipt of fully executed applications. Annually occurring events, such as Town Day, shall at all times be deemed to be fully executed applications for each year following the prior year’s event.
(5) The Town Administrator, or designee, may establish an application fee and/or user fee schedule for group events.
(6) Applications for activities or events which require insurance, approval or permits from other governmental entities, or compliance with other terms or conditions, will be reviewed and, if the application otherwise conforms to all other requirements, a conditional approval will be issued. If, within the time prescribed by the Town Administrator, or designee, any required fee or security deposit is not paid, or an insurance certificate evidencing the requisite insurance is not filed with the Town Administrator, or designee, or the approval or permit of other governmental entities has not been received, or the other terms and conditions have not been met, the conditional approval will automatically expire, the application for permit will be deemed denied and no written notice of denial will be required. For events or activities which involve the use of special facilities or activities, all terms and conditions for issuance of the permit, including securing insurance and payment of all fees and security deposit, must be completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the event unless otherwise a different time period is prescribed by the Town Administrator, or designee.
(7) No permit shall be issued unless all applicable fees and security deposit, if any, are paid within the times prescribed by the Town Administrator, or designee. Failure to pay fees or security deposit within that time shall cause the application to be deemed denied, without further notice to the applicant.
(8) The applicable provisions and procedures for denial of an application and notice thereof are set out in Section 16-154 of these Regulations.
(9) Any amendment or revision of an application or approval shall, for purposes of determining the priority of the application for permit, relate back to the original filing thereof; but the time in which the Town shall grant or deny the application for permit and serve notice of such granting or denial shall be computed from the date of the proposed amendment or revision.
(10) Applications and approvals shall be limited to no more than for one (1) day.
(11) If estimated attendance exceeds two hundred (200) persons, a copy of this application must be submitted to the Stoneham Police and Fire Chiefs for their review. The Police and Fire Chiefs have the right, in their reasonable discretion, to require detail officer(s). The applicant is responsible for the implementation of all recommendations from these departments’ reviews.
  • Waiver of Application/User Fee, Insurance Requirement and/or Security Deposit. Any requirements for an application and/or user fee, insurance, or security deposits may be waived by the Town Administrator, or designee if the activity is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and the requirement would be so financially burdensome that it would preclude the applicant from using the Town land for the proposed activity. Fees for equipment and services shall not be waived pursuant to this subsection. Application for a waiver of a user fee, security deposit, or certificate of insurance shall be made on a form prescribed by the Town Administrator, or designee, and must include an affidavit by the applicant and sufficient financial information about the applicant to enable the Town Administrator, or designee, to determine whether the requirement(s) would be so financially burdensome that it would preclude the applicant from using the Town land for the proposed activity. If no written denial is issued within thirty (30) days of the date on which the application for such waiver is fully completed, executed and filed with the Town Administrator, or designee, the waiver request shall be deemed approved, contingent upon the applicant complying with all other permit requirements.
  • Approvals for Designated Areas Only. All approved applications shall be for the use of designated areas only and shall not exceed the scope of the approval.
  • Liability for Property Damage. Reservation of Town land is granted with the understanding that the Applicant shall be liable for any property damage and shall be required to reimburse the Town for such damage.
  • Trash and Litter. All trash resulting from the event shall be removed by the Applicant from the Town land immediately following the event and properly disposed of. Failure to do so shall result in a charge for removal and disposal by the Town.
  • Portable Toilets – Prohibited. Portable toilets are prohibited.
  • Trash Dumpsters – Prohibited. Trash dumpsters are prohibited
The Town Administrator, or designee may institute an indemnification requirement for group events, in which the applicant shall execute a written agreement with the Town, on a form prescribed by the Town Administrator, or designee, by which the applicant (group) shall covenant to hold harmless and indemnify the Town of Stoneham, its officials, employees and agents against all costs, damages, losses, claims, and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred, directly or indirectly, as a result of such applicant’s use of the Town land. Such costs, damages, losses, claims, and expenses shall include, without limitation, any damage to the Town land or adjacent Town property, the cost of employee overtime, the cost of police and fire protection, and any claim asserted by a third party against the Town of Stoneham, its officials, employees or agents on account of any alleged injury arising from the use of the Town land. This agreement shall also constitute a release by the applicant and each and all of its members of any claim against the Town of Stoneham, its officials, employees or agents for any injury to persons or damages to property suffered by such applicant or any of its members during or as a result of using the Town land, except insofar as such injury or damage is directly and solely caused by the negligence or intentional misconduct of any person belonging to or acting on behalf of the Town of Stoneham.
The Town Administrator, or designee, may institute an insurance requirement for group events, requiring insurance with such coverages and in such amounts as shall reasonably be required by the Town, which shall name the Town of Stoneham as an additional insured thereunder. The amounts and type of insurance required shall be determined by the Town Administrator, or designee, based upon the nature of the activity and the risk involved. The Town Administrator shall prepare a uniform schedule of insurance guidelines for particular types of activities. The Applicant shall provide the Town Administrator, or designee, with a certificate from an insurer evidencing such coverage prior to the applicant's use of Town land, and within the time prescribed by the Town Administrator, or designee. The certificate shall also provide that the insurer shall give the Town reasonable advance notice, of no less than thirty (30) days, of insurer's intent to cancel or amend the insurance coverage provided.
All Certificates of Insurance must provide the following coverage and information:
  1. Commercial General Liability and Public Liability in the minimum amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence, Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) aggregate;
  2. Motor Vehicle Liability for all owned, hired and/or leased motor vehicles, if any, in the minimum amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) per occurrence;
  3. Personal Property insurance, including coverage for all equipment and materials at the Premises in the minimum amount of the value of all of the License's personal property at the Premises ; and
  4. Workers' Compensation insurance as required by state law. The following requirements and conditions shall apply to the respective insurance:
  5. The coverage amounts set forth above may be met by a combination of underlying and umbrella policies so long as in combination the limits equal or exceed those required herein;
  6. The Contractors insurance shall not call upon any Town's insurance, and shall be primary in all respects to any insurance the Town may have;
  7. The Town shall not be responsible for any insurance deductible;
  8. All insurance shall be obtained from insurance companies authorized to transact insurance business in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts;
  9. All insurance policies must be provided to the Town prior to the start of this Agreement and shall, at a minimum, cover the entire License period year;
  10. The Town and its elected and appointed officials, employees, servants, and agents shall be additional insured on all liabilities policies referenced above;
  11. The Town, through its Town Administrator, shall be a Certificate Holder on all insurance policies;
  12. The insurance policies and certificates must state that they may be canceled or amended only if the Town is given a minimum of thirty (30) days written notice;
Certificate Holder must be labeled exactly as:
Town of Stoneham
39 Central Street
Stoneham, MA 02180
  • DENIAL OF AN APPLICATION FOR GROUP USE: Procedures and Provisions
(a) Notice of Denial. Notice of denial of an application for permit shall clearly set forth the grounds upon which the application was denied and, where feasible, shall contain a proposal by the Town for measures by which the applicant may cure any defects in the application for use or otherwise procure approval. Where an application has been denied because a fully executed prior application for the same time and place has been received, and approval has been or will be granted to the prior applicant authorizing uses or activities which do not reasonably permit multiple occupancy of the particular area, the Town may propose an alternative place, if available for the same time, or an alternative time, if available for the same place.
(b) Grounds for Denial of Application. To the extent permitted by law, the Town may deny an application if the applicant or the person on whose behalf the application was made has on prior occasions made material misrepresentations regarding the nature or scope of an event or activity previously permitted or has violated the terms of prior approvals or permits issued to, or on behalf, of the applicant. The Town may also deny an application on any of the following grounds:
(1) the application (including any required attachments and submissions) is not fully completed and executed;
(2) the applicant has not tendered the required application fee, if any, with the application or has not tendered the required user fee, indemnification agreement, insurance certificate, or security deposit within the times prescribed;
(3) the application contains a material falsehood or misrepresentation;
(4) the applicant is legally incompetent to contract;
(5) the applicant or a party on whose behalf the application was made has on prior occasions damaged Town property and has not paid in full for such damage;
(6) a fully executed prior application for the same time and place has been received, and an approval or permit has been or will be granted to a prior applicant authorizing uses or activities which do not reasonably permit multiple occupancy of Town land;
(7) the use or activity intended by the applicant would conflict with previously planned programs organized and conducted by the Town and previously scheduled for the same time and place;
(8) the proposed use or activity is prohibited by or inconsistent with the classifications and uses of Town land or part thereof so designated;
(9) the use or activity intended by the applicant would present an unreasonable danger to the health or safety of the applicant, other users of Town land, Town employees or of the public;
(10) the applicant has not complied or cannot comply with applicable licensure requirements, by laws or regulations of the Town concerning the sale or offering for sale of any goods or services; or
(11) the use or activity intended by the applicant is prohibited by federal, state or town law, bylaw or regulations.
The safety of the Stoneham community is main priority when the Stoneham Recreation department makes judgements on cancelling programs due inclement weather. If Stoneham school days are cancelled due to inclement weather, recreational programs will also be cancelled. Participants will be emailed or called to inform them of the cancellation of a program.
    • Cancellation: Classes that do not attain the minimum enrollment will be cancelled 48 hours prior to the scheduled start date. All participants will receive a full refund if a class is cancelled due to low enrollment. The Stoneham Recreation Department reserves the right to reschedule or change classes. Participants will be emailed or called if your class is cancelled.
    • Refund: The Stoneham Recreation Department must meet instructional and overhead costs for all programs. Refunds will be granted according to the individual requirements of the programs. For events such as trips and special events, refunds will not be granted. Refunds will be granted in the case of illness or injury. A doctor's note may be required. The Stoneham Recreation Department must be notified, prior to the second class, if you are requesting a prorated refund. No refunds will be given after a single day session or after the second class of a multiple class session. No refunds will be given for multiple sessions programs, in which a single class is cancelled due to inclement weather. Full refunds will be given if a program is cancelled due to low enrollment. A $20 administrative fee will be assessed to all refunds, with the exception of classes cancelled due to low enrollment.
Persons shall comply with applicable state laws and regulations and Town by laws and regulations.
Any person who fails to comply with any of these Town property regulations is subject to revocation of their application approval, depending on the severity of the offense, or the frequency of other offenses, the Town reserves the right to initiate legal action.
Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 45, '4, violation of any of these regulations is subject to being “punished by a fine of not more than two hundred dollars.”