Stoneham Recreation Department
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WCFK-Minecraft Mania Register View Cart

Minecraft Mania (Wicked Cool For Kids)
AM Only Option: Wicked Cool Minecraft is back! Using the updated Minecraft Education platform, Minecraft Mania skillfully blends virtual and real-world learning experiences for maximum learning and fun. In the morning, become an intrepid explorer using a Minecraft avatar to dive into the wonders of engineering, physics, and biology to build our own Wicked Cool Minecraft town. Follow up with fun companion hands-on STEAM lessons to learn about engineering, biology and physics.
Full Day Option: The Mania continues as we do a dino dig and learn the properties of real rocks and minerals found in Minecraft. Complete the week with a creative Kiwi Crate Geologist Starter Kit and kick off your collection with real samples of obsidian, calcite, sandstone and pyrite (aka fool’s’ gold). This class will require access to Wi-Fi.

Dates: 7/28-8/1 (Monday-Friday)
Location:  Town Hall Banquet Room (35 Central Street)
Time:  9AM-3PM
Cost:  $399.00 (Resident) / $409.00 (Non-Resident)
Notes:  Please bring a bottle of water/snacks/lunch each day

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Full Day 
N/A 1 - 5 MTuWThF  07/28/2025 - 08/01/2025
09:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Stoneham Town Hall Banquet Hall
$399.00 Res, $409.00 Non-Res
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Half Day 
N/A 1 - 5 MTuWThF  07/28/2025 - 08/01/2025
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Stoneham Town Hall Banquet Hall
$319.00 Res, $329.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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